31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Monday, March 2, 2009

On Spelling and Grammar

So I have my email do an automatic spell check, not that my spelling is terrible, but because my typing is sub par. Anyway, I was wondering why there isn't an option to ignore something permanently? I mean EVERY time I send an email I have to "ignore" the fact that I mis-spell the word Tan at the end of my emails. For some reason I always want to spell it Tuan. Curious I know. But today I was annoyed at the spell check function. It claimed that I was incorrect with my spelling of the word "grey". I think I will get some support here, but if you think I am not correct I will just let you know now that you would be mistaken. Anyway, it made me think of all of the other words that I spell the correct way, but am corrected by the computer or smarty people. Light is the only correct spelling of the word. It is light yogurt, light salad dressing, and light (as in "Turn on the light I can't see a thing."). The word "lite" is a marketing gimmick that has only served to dumb down the population. Proof of this is how mis-spelling words for convenience or just for the sake of being different has taken over the internets and text message world. i dnt thnk n e 1 wnts 2 hv 2 reed stf lyk dis. Imagine the first book written in speed type. I mean it will save on printing costs and time, so u no itll hapn. And then where do we go? Stop teaching spelling and grammar in school? Or teach the fakey language as an alternative to actual language much like "intelligent design" is making it's way into actual science class? Either way, spell check needs to recognise Tuan as the correct spelling of my name, grey as the correct spelling of grey, and stop accepting lite as correct for anything.


Josh said...

You've certainly exposed a gray area of our lite educational system. Good job, Tan.


Anonymous said...

can you just add the words to your dictonary? :)