31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Going Pro

No no it is not Tyler that I am talking about, although his mother has done a fine job teaching him how to hit a baseball. This is about my uncle Allie. *misty wavy flashback* Nah that's just stupid. Anyway, when I was a kid my uncles always brought us places. Mostly to arcades, but a bunch of other places too. My uncle Allie has been a bowling enthusiast for, well as long as I can remember. He was unable to make it to Tyler's birthday party because he had a "bowling thing". Well that bowling thing was the city championship. He won it. It paid like 1500 dollars, not bad for 3 strings. So as the city champ he goes to the state championship. Should he win there he has an invite to bowl in the PBA. I hope he can pull it off because he really deserves it.
Another going pro story for you all today. My brother lives in friggin' Omaha. But the story is not about moving to Nebraska when you are in a rut. He drives across the Iowa border and hits the casinos when he has time and a few bucks to spare. It started out once a month or so. And he won often. Then he started going on Tuesday nights. He won most weeks, 5 of 6 or something silly like that. Last week he went on Tuesday night like usual, he won about $500. Then he went Thursday night and won $2000. He was kind enough to snap a shot of the slot machine and pixmsg it to me. So he was out with his girlfriend on Saturday and they hit the casino after dinner, $225. I told him that if he wasn't winning so much I might think he had a gambling problem. At work last night (Tuesday) he sent me another pixmsg......"Just won $1200" Are you kidding me? Who is that lucky? My brother that's who, because while he was waiting for the paperwork and to get paid, he hit for another $4000. So my question is at what point do you quit your day job and go pro? Also, is there such a thing as a professional slot machiner? I think he should have his business cards changed to T.C. Nguyen Professional Slot Machiner no matter what.

1 comment:

Karl Collier said...

It is possible. My roommate in college's other was a professional gambler, and all she played was the slots. She would go to the local casino 2-3 nights a week and play between 5-10K, usually coming home with about $2500 or so, rarely any losses. She then moved their family to California, more precisely like an hour from Vegas, and would go there 4-5 nights a week. Wouldn't bother to get a room as she was comped one if she needed it, and would just sit and play for hours and hours. She made a trip out to casino Niagara once to meet up with her son and his car broke down (caught on fire) on the way, so she bought him a new truck with the weekends winnings.

It was pretty crazy, but it is indeed possible.