31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We Aren't The Only Citizens On This Planet

Every single day another company is claiming to be doing their part to "help" the environment. All of the home improvement shows on HGTV are explaining the importance of buying wood products from sustainable forestry practicing companies. Go solar, use wind, water power, tidal power, even nuclear power companies are making claims that their product is a more environmentally friendly form of powering our world. NUCLEAR FRIGGIN' POWER!! I have so many unanswered questions about the "more environmentally friendly" products that are so en vogue. I mean is it really better for the environment for me to use bamboo flooring that was harvested, processed, made into planks, clear coated at a factory in a third world country without emission limitation for their factories, and then shipped to Maine than it is for me to buy oak boards from Schmedbergs' Wood 'N' More thirty miles from here regardless of Mr. Schmedbergs' forestry practices? I mean buy local whenever possible, unless it is what? The biggest question I have is how is the USA's oil and power saving ways really going to have an effect on global climate change when China and India are just now starting to modernize. Just look at the populations:
1 China 1,246,871,951
2 India 1,000,848,550
3 United States 272,639,608
But the fact remains that individual car ownership in China grew 33.5 percent to 11.49 million in 2006. 11.49 million people owned cars in all of China in 06, so that's about 1%. The US claims to have over 450 cars on the road for every 1000 people that live here. If you consider the percentage of the population that is too young to drive, I bet that is around 60% individual car owners. So if everyone in the US gave up driving then we can cut emissions enough for not even 10% of China to drive cars. You see my point. I think we need to ask our neighbors to start adopting some of these "planet saving techniques" because doing it from the start is an easier task than getting people to change their ways once they get in the bad habits that we currently have. The number of car owners in China is increasing like you read about as for the past 5 years, 4 of 5 new car buyers in that country have never owned a car at all. I bet the $4.00+ price of gas today becomes a remember when gas was only 4 bucks a gallon in a few years.
Well there's my info laced rant for the week, if you have any info on environmental impact of products produced overseas, let me know will you?

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