31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Ask and I Shall Receive

Do it and let me know your results in the coments.


Tuan said...

Dunder Mifflin Personality Quiz
You scored as a Jim Halpert
Congratulations, you're Jim! How'd you get to be so awesome?
Jim Halpert 65%
Creed Bratton 63%
Karen Fillipelli 50%
Pam Beesly 48%
Dwight Schrute 45%
Ryan Howard 40%
Meredith Palmer 38%
Kelly Kapoor 33%
Kevin Malone 33%
Andy Bernard 30%
Michael Scott 25%
Jan Levinson 23%
Toby Flenderson 20%
Angela Martin 10%

Anonymous said...

I am 60% Dwight.

I knew it. So, i am the Dwight to Tuan's Jim. THAT is why we have such a great marriage :)

Dan said...

I ended up Karen after a tie-breaker to be Karen or Jim. But I am also 60% Dwight. Hmmm.

Karen Fillipelli 65%
Jim Halpert 65%
Dwight Schrute 60%