31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Stupidity and Punishment

So I'll be commenting on the absurdity in our lovely southern states. So the whole racial mess is a festering blister of stupidity. I won't be commenting on the events, just the resulting puss filled boil on society's backside. The worst part of the whole disaster is that these are the things that the children of the intellectual third world (ie the south) have to see and learn from. To make things worse is the fact that these kids are the future DAs and Superintendents of Schools and Police officers of these towns, which just sets up another more horrific mess in the future. I think the best punishment for these halfwits would be to limit the number of children they can produce, thereby limiting the number of morons my son Tyler will have to watch on TV when he is 30. I think everyone involved should be ashamed........ just to have been involved.

1 comment:

Dan said...

You're a halfwit and they let you have Tyler. I'm just saying.