31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just a glimpse..

It's 14:16. It's 74 degrees out, the sun is shining, and there is just enough of a breeze to make the leaves sound off. The girls ( 2 weimaraners) are making the slightly too tall lawn look like a very comfortable place to nap. Tyler is chilling in his pack 'n play giving a set of teething keys a thorough workout. The laundry is in and the dishes are done. The BBQ is fired-up. I've got some chicken and a few sausages on and cooking for toppings to the pizzas that are for dinner tonight. And here I am sitting in my rocking chair on the porch of my house taking it all in.

It's good to be me.

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