31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Day

Today, like most days, I got up around 7am. My wife is awesome and finishes getting ready while taking care of and plays with Tyler while I enjoy a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. The day was off to the usual start. About 9:30 Tyler was napping and so were the dogs, all was good. Until the damn CMP work crew started yelling through their megaphones, AGAIN! This annoys the dogs into a barking frenzy, which wakes Tyler up too early from his morning nap. Not a good thing. So hours of playing on the floor, as a tired Tyler requires more attention than a well rested Ty (which when rested is already A LOT of attention). Don't get me wrong, I do love giving him the attention, it just cuts down on any projects that I might need to get done. So it was 13:00 before I knew it. Tyler was preoccupied with the wonders of his yo yo and the dogs were again napping. NICE!! Time for me to get some lunch. I already boiled some eggs for a nice egg salad sandwich. I went into the kitchen and started assembling a beauty sandwich. BOOM! No not an explosion, nothing happened really, not that I could find anyway. I can only deduce that Tyler realized that I was no longer sitting beside him and decided that he needed to scream like someone was crushing his tiny 7 month old fingers in a vice. So I came back for a rescue mission, leaving my partially constructed luncheon masterpiece on the counter. In all of the mayhem I didn't notice the dogs had gotten up from their naps. After a minute Tyler came back to this world from the realm of hate and discontent, and allowed me to put him down to re-discover the miracle that is his yo yo. I went into the kitchen, starved now having seen the beginning of what was surely a delicious lunch, only to discover that the girls had been kind enough to test my sandwich for quality. OH NEAT! "WHAT THE HELL DOGS!!" I guess yelling like that was not the thing to do as it startled Tyler and made him cry all over again. Well to make a quick end to what is becoming a long story, I ate my new sandwich, Tyler is napping and the dogs have gone to hell (not really, I told them to go to hell when I let them outside but judging on how well they are listening today, they won't go). Some days are better than others. But as a whole I'd say that being a stay at home dad is like fishing, even the worst day is better than the best day at work.

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