31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

On second thought

So, I am not really as inspired today as I have been in the past few entries. But here goes…. I often find myself looking back on my life and on the decisions that I have made. I try to relate where I am and where I see myself heading to particular decisions that I have made, mostly to try to relate situations to results. I think that I have become good at this, and usually make a decision based on the result that I know will come to be. That said, I can’t see where I am heading. I have been struggling with what to do next to get me to where I want to be. But where is that? I am where I want to be. I love my wife, I love my son, I love my family, I love my job, I love my dogs, I like my house……. So what do I do to stay here. I now realize that I have never had to make decisions based on that principle. What do I do to stay right where I am? How do I keep what I have without moving as moving, even ahead, will bring me to a place that I am not currently at, because where I am is where I want to be. On second thought maybe the secret of life is how to stay happy when you are happy. I mean doing nothing will only deteriorate my situation, and doing something will set me on a new course……. So how do I stay. Huh. Maybe I will figure it out, maybe I will try to figure it out for the rest of my days, either way time won’t help me, because I am happy today, and tomorrow will come regardless of what I do.

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