31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kids and Kid Stuff

For those of you that don't know me that well, I have an issue with age appropriate television and hobbies. I also tend to lean toward extremely Asian pastimes. Yo-Yo and anime are a couple of them. I also enjoy collecting trading cards. It all started with Yu-Gi-Oh. I collected them for about 6 months, then sold them for an obscene profit. I now have Naruto trading cards. I am getting close to putting them on ebay, in hopes of another big profit. The craziest part of all of it is that I don't start out collecting to make money on ebay, it just works like that in the end. So here's to making money off the children of the world, because if Wal-Mart and Nike can do it, why not me.


Dan said...

Yeah, but the dude you're selling them to is probably more akin to The Simpsons "Comic Book Guy" than some smiling asian child somewhere.

Oh, by the way,
Worst. Post. Ever.

Tuan said...

I only sell to children, that way I feel less like some creepy "comic guy" and more like creepy 30 year old guy that buys childrens toys for his own enjoyment.

Oh, by the way,
asian children are smiling with their killer paychecks all while finishing up their 20 hour shift, thats where they are.