31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another inspiring movie

I saw the movie “Empire” (2002) starring John Leguizamo a short while ago. It is a good movie with a spectacular ending. I recommend it to anyone that reads my thoughts as it is very similar to my personal mantra. One of my thoughts on the meaning of life is given in the last scene, in the dying words of the main character:

“Its kind of funny when you think about it. I mean I did some pretty bad things in my life. Broke all of the rules…….hurt a lot of people. But here I was my kid’s life was about to begin. And I had another chance. And I even think that I actually could get away with it. Escape my past. Yeah but that’s not how it works……cause you know that a man’s actions always have their consequences, and deep down I knew that. Maybe what its all about is thinking about someone else instead of yourself all of the time. Maybe that’s what I was always missing. If I can leave something for my son, maybe my life was worthwhile.” I think that while I personally have lived a much different life than the one portrayed so brilliantly by Leguizamo in the movie, he (the character) and I share a common thought process. It is not about us nor is it about our lives, but the next generation. It is less about what I can do for myself and more about what I can leave for my children. Even if it is only my views that I write in this blog. If I can help the next generation get off to a faster start in life by giving them the lessons that I have learned in my years, maybe my life is worthwhile.

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