31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just the guys


Yeah it's been a couple weeks, but whatever. In case you don't know, this week it is just me and the little guy at the house. Rae was dragged kicking and screaming off to DC for work. So that leaves us. Tyler is still too young to understand what 4 days really means. It isn't 1, and it isn't 2 (which only means more than one). It is 4. He asked me earlier "Mama?" and I gave the patented response "Huh?". It is what is best to figure out the boy's mood. If he tells me that she went bye bye then he is good. Anyway, he went to the door and pointed to her car, "Mama car?" Yup, that's her car buddy. "Mama?" Again I replied "Huh?", a bit worried he was going to have an I need mama breakdown. "OOOH! bye buh." Yeah bud, but she went on a train to work. It is usually just she went to work, but I was hoping that differentiating between on a train to work and just to work might make explaining it to him later a bit easier to understand. He gave me the most puzzled look. So I guess he picked up on that little hint of something is different. Then just as loud as he could, and with the biggest smile he goes..."MAMA WOO HOOOO! HAHAHAHA MAMA WOO WOOOOO!" Let's hope the enthusiasm of Mama on a train continues throughout the duration of this first time away from Rae for more than the usual work day.

On another note, I think I may have come off as pissed about Tyler's incident. I know that people mean well when they ask about him, I just wish they would think before they spoke. I mean what if I went around saying "Oh, what happened?" and when the random stranger asked me "What are you talking about" I said "Oh you poor things. Is it genes or a thyroid problem, or just a twinkie issue? Because I feel bad that your kid is morbidly obese, and I want to make you uncomfortable talking about it as I am a total stranger and I know that my pity on your children for their fatness will make you feel better." Think about it, that's all I am asking.


Anonymous said...

How is the single dad week going? :)

Tuan said...

It is really eye opening. I am the dad that I am because of Rae. That is what I have learned this week. I am only a good dad because Rae gives me the support that I need to be one.

Eveland said...

Amazing the things that come out of a person's mouth... random words. And they don't know how much it could hurt. I saw the pictures and my heart broke, but I smiled knowing the great parents that he has.

Anonymous said...

You guys are both awesome parents. I've been taking notes for my future parenting....