31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today I have the TV tuned to the 90's music channel. I just decided that all of the music that would be in the soundtrack of my life was made in the 90's. So what generation does that make me? Gen X? Whatever, all I know is that pop culture runs 20 years behind itself. If you hadn't noticed (you must be living under a rock), "new" fashion and and "new" music are very 80's reminiscent. So in three to seven years I will be en vogue again. I wonder if this phenomenon of pop culture running 20 years behind itself plays a factor in the "mid-life crisis" that many people go through. I mean if music and fashion remind you of another time in your life wouldn't it be safe to say that it would cause you to act as though you were younger? We all have those songs that "take us back". If you take those feelings that you have now and then and make them an everyday thing, that would probably set someone into a mid-life crisis. So if I just keep all of my baggy cargo-pants and polo shirts, green jeans, and get a crappy old 2 door Chevy Cavalier, I will be totally in style in a few years, not to mention prepared. Maybe I should dust off my Prince and Boys to Men Cd's in anticipation.

Afterthought 1:
Beware of a Kenny G comeback tour!! But welcome the Black Crows comeback.

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