31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Well, it came and went.

It's the 12th now and I am really surprised. I would have thought the media would have made a much bigger deal about the 11th. I thought for sure the regular programming would have been halted for a 24 hour replay of the news from 09-11-01. I really thought I would be watching the towers fall 5000 more times and hear the stories of bravery from that day, but no. I am surprised the day came and went without incident. I guess Brittney's comeback performance was bigger news that I had originally given it credit for , as the Today Show had a half hour piece on that, but not too much on the day that will live along side August 6th 1945, December 7th 1941, and June 3rd 1989 on the list of worst days ever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Tuan: A fellow At Home Dad here. My name is Hugh. You should not be surprised that there was no fireworks on the 11th. We are coming up on a Presidential Election. The media does not want to remind the public that there is a threat. The Demorats are downplaying the treat that terrorism poses. Most of the media support the Democrats. Just so you know, I am a Democrat. It is not that I am rooting for the Republicans when I state this.