31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Art and the remodel

Rae and I are planning the remodel of our second floor. We are going with a bamboo floor and have the colors picked out for the walls. The only (for now) full bath is getting a new tub and sink / vanity. But more importantly, we are looking to bring some art into our home. I have been searching the net for something that is affordable. I just don't understand the point of pricing a painting at 1,100 bucks, unless you have proven that you can get 1,100 bucks for a painting. Who pays over a grand for a painting of a dog that looks like a 4 year old painted a dog with their finger paints? I am definitely going to support an artist that is also a realist, or paint something myself. I know that I can't paint a dog that looks like a dog, but I can definitely paint a dog that resembles a dog in some "artistic" sense.
I want to apologize to Dan and any other artist if this offends them in any way, but I also want it on the record that I haven't received an apology for being insulted by the absurd prices of some of the art that I have been looking at.


Unknown said...

Are there any flea markets or auctions near you? Some flea markets have paintings for sale cheap. You can often find beautiful works of art for sale at auctions for next to nothing. If it doesn't have a well known name on it, most people don't care. If all you are looking for is some nice trees to look at or a copy of dogs playing poker, it may be an option. The downside is it may take a few hours out of your weekend. If you look at it as an adventure, though, it becomes a plus. Who knows, you may stumble across a lost van Gogh!

Dan said...

Sadly, dude, probably most of the art that you are looking at isn't of much importance as far as art goes. It's probably overpriced junk that people pass off as art.

Julia and i were debating this the other day - anything that is rehashing a style from 100, 200 years ago doesn't interest me at all. It can be pretty, and it can be technically sound, but COME ON!

I just prefer work that is trying something new. That said, probably some liitle fancy impressiont-y thing is more fitting for your living room than a Jackson Pollock would be.