31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

random randomness

You know how I like to see who visits my blog and how they come to find it? Well anyway, I like it. Today.... technically yesterday, but my day hasn't ended yet, so... today, someone visited this blog after googling "Steven Tyler". Huh. That person sucks at picking search results. I mean I haven't ever posted about "Steven Tyler". Steven.... yes. Tyler..... yes. But Steven Tyler no. I think it is Stephen Tyler that the person was looking for anyway.

So I will write about Stephen Tyler. Yes I have a Stephen Tyler story!! And no he had nothing to do with my story personally. But just for fun, here you go...

I can't remember why we were going to Boston, but Rae, Dan, Josh? and I. Ok now my brain quit me. Did Josh come? Who went on that trip? Why were we even going? Oh we went to the museum. Science Museum. Maybe. You know what, none of that has anything to do with Stephen Tyler or anything really. Point being, Dan and I were in a car for several hours in one day. We decided that it would be a good idea to play 20 questions. So on my turn I chose "green". Think about it. Green, is it a person, place or thing? No. Noun? No. Anyway, Dan didn't get it. So I won. I then picked Stephen Tyler. He didn't get it. Then it was my turn again, so I went with Stephen Tyler...... he didn't get it again. But the third time was the charm, HAHAHAHA I didn't really go for a third time, but thinking back I should have. OH!! Just so all the readers know, I am the champion of 20 questions. On one of Dan's turns, I guessed "James Earl Jones's testicles". How I got there and how Dan picked that escape me, but I got it in 20 questions, so that makes me the champion.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Yeah I was there, fool - I drove!

That's why you and chuckles were able to play games the whole way there ...