31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

If you know me then...

Well then you know I love insurance like I love smashing my little toe into the bedpost at 2am. I picked up the insurance on my LG chocolate back when I first got it. I mostly grabbed it because I had destroyed several phones in a matter of 2 months. You know how it goes, on the picnic table during a thunder storm, smash it with a 5000 pound pallet jack, the usual. Anyway, my awesome phone just up and kicked it the other day. First the white screen of death, then the battery decided to have a charge life of about an hour if I didn't use it. Insurance claim here I come. Well it was actually a really easy process, and the "new phone" arrived less than 24 hours from when I submitted the claim. Can you say "Hong Kong Black Market". It is such a cheap ripoff of what I insured. It might be like getting a Blackberry Pearl in exchange for your iPhone. It is shiny, and phone like, but just isn't right. So once again I say "GO SCREW INSURANCE ASS FACES. I hate you and everything you stand for." Oh and if you have phone insurance.... cancel it, it just isn't worth it.

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