31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

I am a reader!!

Today, like most days in the past month, Tyler has taken a break from the usual destruction to read some books. I think it is funny how he drops what he is doing, literally, and goes to the corner with all of his books. I like how he digs through the stacks of books to find a specific book. I enjoy watching him turn the pages and "read" the books. He knows the stories very well. He points at the pictures that he knows the words to and says the word or makes the corresponding sound effect. He sings the parts of the songs that he knows if it is that style of book. But what is most amazing to me, is when he repeats the rhyming patterns, only with a single sound like "da" or "buh". It amazes me that he can think in that way when it feels like just yesterday he couldn't even let me know what he needed. Now I have to ask him what he would like to have for a snack. These days he decides what he will do and what he will eat...... and what book to read or have read to him.

BBQ chicken quarters
Potatos w/ garlic and onions

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