31 years old, married six years this summer, father of 1 and one on the way, and I'm a PC. (note "I am a PC" as I am not usually very P.C.)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dumb and Dumber-est

The world is getting dumber. Not that my sense of humor has been referred to as intellectual or even unchild-like, but I like to think that it is more evolved than well most anyone that has created a cartoon in the last 10 years.

I was surfing the station guide the other night when I saw what has to be the mostest absurdestly stupid show ever made. "ASSY MCGEE" on cartoon network. First lets start with the truly unoriginal name. Who thinks that is funny? Maybe it is supposed to be..... I got nothing. What the hell is that supposed to be about? The only people with less naming skill in the world own Sebago Gardens in Windham Maine. They recently changed locations. Ok. Now they want to be called "Studio Flora". I have a suggestion..... "SASSY CAPRIS HOUSE OF LE FLOWERS". Maybe the problem lies in the search for originality from unoriginal people. I don't know. I don't know where the world is heading. But it is definitely going in the direction of the toilet.

Maybe my sense of humor is not more evolved than anyone that has created a cartoon in the last 10 years, just more evolved than the people that run the networks. Maybe there are a million new, fresh, funny ideas out there but with the creation of the internet the creators have become lazy and put them online. Maybe all the funny is floating out there in cyberspace. Maybe, just maybe all of the truly original people are hiding behind obscure websites that are the 2,384,255th listing when you google something. I hope they are out there and it's not just that the world is getting dumber, because I will be one bitter old man if this keeps up.

On a mostly unrelated topic, Osteo-arthritis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love This BLOG! Whats Really In A Name Though?